2Tim 1:7 - How a husband is to love his wife... when this is not so easy. |
Eph 2:15 - The laws Christ abolished when he died for us, and why he did so. |
Mat 5:3 - How Christ begins to describe His own. |
Pr 16:5 Dreading, detecting, rooting out and staying free from pride. |
Lk 17:32 - Remembering Lot's wife, per Jesus' command. Of headstrong wives and broken husbands. |
An analysis of supposed evidence for higher criticism. |
A down-to-earth gospel tract. |
How I came to know Jesus Christ my Savior. An appeal to return to fundamentals: salvation by faith. |
Impenetrable promises for weary targets. |
James 5:13 - What we should be singing about, and why. |
James 3:6 - A down-to-earth look at an unearthly portal. |
The dynamics of spiritual conflict. |
2Cor 3:11 - Full context and meaning of a verse often misapplied to teach the irrelevance of Torah. |
1 John 5:13 - An inductive proof of the eternal security of the believer. |
Eph 2:12 - God's covenants with Israel and their significance to us today. |
1Tim 1:5 - God's purposes and goals in giving us Torah. |
Lev 23 - God's feasts: their timing, relevance and significance. |
Considering degrees of sin, and why this is important. |
How we institutionalize keeping God at a distance. |
The nature, form, and practice of the Church. |
Rom 8:2 - God gives His children power for living the spiritual life. |
Gal 3:24 - How the law guides and influences our walk with Christ. |
1 Cor 11 - Looking at God's holy meal from God's perspective. |
When a marriage must be terminated and why. |
What it might be like to be damned to Hell. |
Heb 11:1 - The practical doctrine of faith. |
What scholars call the "best and most reliable" NT manuscripts, and the absurdity accepted in doing so. |
How to know for sure when God is speaking to us, and how to avoid being lead astray by the enemy. |
A statistical and experimental evaluation of Theomatics, as defined and promoted by Del Washburn. |
Proof of both the irrationality of atheism and the existence of God. |
Heb 6:9 - Qualities found in all true believers in Jesus Christ. |
On Christ's prayer in Gethsemane, to clear His name, told from His perspective, as well as I can. |
Rev 5:9 - On the climax of the Bible. |
Gal 3:19 Defining the end of the period during which God's Law, Torah, is relevant. |
1Cor 14:22 - God's purpose for this gift and how the enemy abuses it to destroy us. |
Ps 73:16 - The anatomy of a troubled heart. |
Mat 5:39 - What Christ intended in His teaching on bearing injustice: it is not what most people think. |
1Tim 1:8 - Analysis of problem texts for upholding Torah as God's universal, timeless standard of holiness. |
Ps 27:14 - What it means to wait on the Lord, and why we should. |
Spiritual warfare made simple ... though not easy |
Acts 10 - Peter's vision of the sheet of unclean animals does not imply a change in Mosaic dietary laws |
An answer to Post-Modernism, Tolerance, and Atheism. |