Discussion 1: Sep 2015 TB - 15/09/13 13:04
This is the flawed thinking of the world. Christians need to heed our Lord's teaching in Matthew 18:22 "...seventy times seven..." TV - 15/09/13 14:04
Agreed. How many times do we let others down? Sometimes knowingly
and sometimes unknowingly. TH - 15/09/13 14:43
Jesus said forgive them, he didn't say to trust them. Trusting an unfaithful
person might just be foolish. Forgiveness is giving up the right to get even; not forgetting what the person did. *[[2Ti 4:15]] KJV* Of whom be thou ware also; for he hath greatly withstood our
words. Paul always forgave, but he did not always forget. TV - 15/09/13 14:56
So we are not to forget that we let each other down? Forgive each other and not have anything else to do with each other? TH - 15/09/13 15:10
Great question! We can love people without trusting them. Giving them the opportunity to be faithful and earn our trust is a good thing. But blindly trusting those who have
proven themselves to be unfaithful is unwise. But we should always be kind, and seek the welfare of others, never abandon or forsake or seek their harm. Jesus said to love your enemies, but he also
said, "Cast not your pearls before swine." in wisdom we can do both. Think about Paul's attitude towards John Mark after he forsook them on the field. Paul did not want
to take him with them again on their next missionary journey since he might jeopardize their ministry. Paul was not being unChristlike, he was being wise. Later, after John Mark proved he had changed
his ways, Paul trusted him again. TB - 15/09/13 15:28 Interesting discussion. Luke 6:27-35 comes to mind for how we as
believers should act and react. Isaiah 53 shows us how the Lord reacted to those who were mistreating Him. Bottom line: This post comes from the wisdom of the world, not from God. And
we must be very careful how we react to those who violate our trust. Matthew 1815 also come to mind. TV - 15/09/13 15:39 I guess what I take from the post is not so much those who violate our
trust, but who don't live up to what we expect (let us down). This is the wisdom of the world, "if someone doesn't prove to live up to what you expect, throw them away". TH - 15/09/13 16:34
I would agree with you here. But don't forget the parable of the unjust steward. Jesus said that often times the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the
children of light. We should not refuse instruction of wisdom regardless where it comes from. If anyone is interested in a deeper study on this, consider the article, TB - 15/09/13 16:42 TH
, if I am understanding you correctly, I will agree, you are correct in that we should not refuse wisdom even if it comes from and unexpected source. Many years ago, as
a young Christian, the Lord gave me an insight that I have held onto. "All truth is God's truth. If it's true, it comes from God no matter its outward vesture. If it's not true, it is not from God, though
robed in the finest garments religion can provide." Our job is to "Examine all things, hold fast to what is good." First Thessalonians 5:21 Look closely at Luke 16:8 KJV has "...in their own generation..."
Other translations have "...in dealing with their own kind..." What I understand the Lord Jesus Christ is teaching in this passage is NOT that the childdren of this world are wiser than God's redeemed.
What He IS teaching is that the children of this world are much more shrewd in dealing with their own kind. One commentator says he thinks this means that the children of this world act with a view
to their own advantages and interests, and those of others like them. (Ellicott) MacDonald seems to concur "This means that ungodly, unregenerate men show more wisdom for their future in this world
than true believers show in laying up treasures in heaven." The point as I understand that parable is that we as Christians should show the same intensity of effort in living out our lives for Christ as do
the unredeemed in striving to gain what benefits them. Again, bottom line: This original post may be right from the perspective of an unredeemed person.
That attitude will likely prevent them from getting hurt more. But for the believer, with all the resources given to us by our loving God and Father, we MUST be more lenient with those who
may hurt us, with the goal being to exhibit the attitude of Christ. That way we won't hinder the work of the Holy Spirit. Trite sayings will do nothing to help us fulfill the Great Commission. But, prayerful
consideration of the situation and seeking the Lord's wisdom (James 1:5) will do much to help us determine how we should act and react. It's a lot of work, but we can do it. Matter of fact, we need to be doing it. (Philippians 4:9)
TH - 15/09/13 19:44 Well said bro! We're in agreement. The beginning of true wisdom is the fear of the Lord, which the world does not know. The world's wisdom is generally self-serving and we must carefully test it with the Word.