With Reverence

God calls us to reverence (He 12:28), being ever in awe of His majesty (Ps 89:7); we live and move in Him (Ac 17:28), in the immediate presence of the Almighty. (Ps 139:7) God’s omnipotence, holiness and justice should fill us with awe; His infinitude commands infinite reverence.

Godly reverence cannot be bored, unemotional, disconnected or dispassionate; it’s lively, thoughtful, engaged, fearful and profound. (Ps 2:11) At its core, reverence for God is delightful respect, treating Him with the honor and dignity He deserves. (Is 66:2)

Reverence is never careless, arrogant, proud, selfish, silly, apathetic or foolish. It must be sober, vigilant (1Pe 5:8), aware (Ep 5:15), intentional.

Reverence for the Almighty is fear and trembling before the infinitely glorious (Php 2:12), before One altogether pure and majestic. It resounds with the four beasts, proclaiming day and night, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come! (Re 4:8)

Reverence is joyfully submitting our entire selves to the Way of God (Php 1:21), to His pleasure and purpose, ever mindful of His glory every moment of our lives. (2Co 3:18)

For the elect, this isn’t fear of rejection and wrath, but of abusing the holy as if it were commonplace, of taking God lightly, casually, presumptuously (Ps 19:13), thereby trampling underfoot One Who is infinitely above and beyond us. (He 10:29)

When should I be irreverent? Only when God’s distracted, unaware, when He isn’t observing me intently, pondering all I do (Pr 5:21) – which is never! Every moment is a perfect gift for me to enjoy God, and for Him to enjoy me.

What insult then is this: God Himself mindful of me, stretching forth His hands (Ro 10:21), inviting me to come (Mt 11:28) … as I ignore Him, scurrying about, unware of Him, seeking my own way (Php 2:21), focused on earthly things? (Php 3:19)

I live my entire life in the sanctuary (Ep 2:6), from my first breath until my last, in the very throne room of God (Php 3:20), to behold the beauty of Jehovah (Ps 27:4), to seek His face. (8)

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