God's design for Church leadership. |
1Pet 1:17 - Who we should pray to and why. |
Understanding forgiveness: what to do, and what not to do, when someone hurts you. |
How Sovereignty and Free Will work, how God chooses who to save while offering all salvation. |
Rom 1:26 - God's restraining grace - its proof and its purpose. |
Rom 5:21 - A promise of divine power in a broken world. |
A glorious, God-exalting perspective of Hell. |
What it means to pray... and live... in Jesus' name. |
The dynamics of spiritual conflict. |
Considering degrees of sin, and why this is important. |
How we institutionalize keeping God at a distance. |
The nature, form, and practice of the Church. |
On Christ's prayer in Gethsemane, to clear His name, told from His perspective, as well as I can. |
Rev 5:9 - On the climax of the Bible. |
1Cor 14:22 - God's purpose for this gift and how the enemy abuses it to destroy us. |
Mat 5:39 - What Christ intended in His teaching on bearing injustice: it is not what most people think. |
Spiritual warfare made simple ... though not easy |
How to know for sure when God is speaking to us, and how to avoid being lead astray by the enemy. |