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Hello. Pleased to meet you. Who are you? What do you mean, you "do not know?" Nonsense! Tell me your name! I do not know my name, but you may call me, "A.B. Leever." I may call you "A.B.," but that is not your name? I do not understand. You confound me, Sir! I would simply like to know who you are, I do not wish to be convoluted with all this mumbo
jumbo! Hey! Why do you expect that I know my name when you do not know yours?
Well, not for absolutely certain. What does it matter? You may call me, "D.W." I just told you, A.B. ! I am D.W.! Hmmm. I've never given this much thought I suppose. I work in the Church, mostly
speaking, a bit of counseling, some administrative stuff. You know, typical minister type. Well, my work could change… that is not really who I
am. I am also married and have three children, and I suppose I would still be a husband and a father even if I left the ministry. I suppose I could define my identity in my wife and children. I am not sure. I guess, my wife could leave me and take the kids... she has threatened to a few times... Yet, for now anyway, I suppose these two
things, my work and my family, describe what keeps me busy, mostly. This does not seem right either, come to think of it. Who am
I? I am D.W. Jr., son of D.W. Senior who was a lawyer, who was the son of K.L. a great chemist, and his father was S.T., a famous college president. I could go on if you like. I have an awesome bloodline! This still seems off. Some people are great regardless of their parents and background, and some are loosers even though they come from great families. Ancestry
really doesn't mean that much. Well, my congregation loves me and they're always raving about my sermons. I am a great preacher and do a lot of good in the community. I am loved and respected all over town. I guess that makes me
significant, doesn't it? That makes me who I am!
Jesus Christ was hated by his own people, was mocked by His own brothers and sisters, was misunderstood by His closest friends, was betrayed by a trusted disciple, and died homeless and alone… being quite largely rejected by the
culture and world in which He lived. Doesn't sound like he would measure up under your idea of greatness, yet I would say He is the most significant Person that ever lived. Good point. Hmmm. What really does give
me significance? What makes me what I am? Well, God, I suppose. I am not sure. How am I different from the next guy, as far as God is concerned? Well, I suppose not. Who are you, A.B.? I figured you would say something trite like that! It tells me nothing about you! I want to
get to know you so I have asked who you are. I want to know something of your background, what you like, what you do not like, where you are headed, what you are about... You know? No, it really doesn't. Loving Him does not give me significance, however. Nothing that I can be or do can create or add to my
significance. There is only one self-significant Being and that is God. Only He can define and give significance. I have significance because He loves me. Nothing else makes me important or significant, not even my love for Him. In the eyes of men this is not clear, for men esteem the straw as gold, and the dust as silver. A man thinks he is significant if other men admire him or love him, or if he has great wealth, and he thus takes the
love of God as a thing of naught. Yet those things which are highly esteemed among men are abomination in the sight of God. To be admired and loved by sinful men, or to be wealthy, does not give one significance. Only the love of
God can do this. I do think that my statement to you, that I am a loved child of the eternal God and that I am in love with Him, I think that this is all that I can say to you about who I really am.
Well, then, "Loved child of the eternal God, who is in love with Him," a pleasure to meet you! So then, "Loved child of the eternal God, who is in love with Him," what do you do for a
living? Oh no! Not again!! :)