You… love… me! I who drip with foulest sin Worldly care distracts with ease While You find the stars impure While You turn with bitter hate from all of me and that is
Yet Your love for me would stretch my mind and heart beyond rebound If You showed the full of it to me for me And yet Your love makes me feel good Somehow my love for You I wrench with painful toil My heart You I grieve you lightly,
Were it not for Your own dear Son Yet You love me It is amazing
Perhaps… Perhaps… Perhaps this is yet more amazing... That I could be weak For You You Who melts the hollow discord in my breast with Your sweet breath You Whose beauty makes the finest art a cursed thing You Whose wisdom and knowledge You Whose song with rapture splits the fragile soul beyond repair You
Who loves espous-ed spirits in eternal whirls of brilliant peace Relentless happy chase of lovers in a wood How You woo and draw this poor dim mortal Ever loving… selfless… waiting waiting waiting waiting for
me With one sweet touch You draw my disconnect and fragment from afar Ah...
if worldlings only knew ... that sex is merely shadow 1 Corinthians 6:17