Put the Evil Away

What’s the difference between Islam and Christianity when it comes to violence and intolerance? Jehovah calls us to hate sin, not to indifference. (Pr 8:13) Both the Qur’an and the Bible impose capital punishment on many of the same things. (De 13:5)

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Yet when Christians become radical, following the Bible more earnestly, they become more loving, kind, just and pure. (Mt 5:44-45) So what’s the difference? Why aren’t we fighting Christian terrorists?

Most Christians argue that the violent Biblical texts, being in the Old Testament, are obsolete, but Christ explicitly rejects this view. (Mt 5:17-19) The key is that YHWH only permits lawful government to punish those who violate His laws (Ro 13:4); Allah lets us act in isolation, doing anything we like to enforce his laws ourselves.

This basic difference leads Christians to love their enemies and seek their welfare (Ro 12:19-21) while praying for and encouraging governmental authorities to reflect God’s righteousness (1Ti 2:1-2), and leads Muslims to persecute and destroy those who do not agree with them, while thinking they are pleasing Allah. (Jn 16:2) The one system leads to societal health and harmony; the other to chaos.

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One thought on “Put the Evil Away”

  1. Tim,

    Interesting comment you made:

    The key is that YHWH only permits lawful government to punish those who violate His laws (Ro 12:19-21); Allah lets us act in isolation, doing anything we like to enforce his laws ourselves.


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