I’m Tim Hayes, a believer in Jesus Christ, Whom I know and love. I write to help myself and others in our journey after God. As in all things, test what’s here by Scripture. I value all insights, encouragement and challenges.
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- 09/13 Cease From Anger () Managing conflict
- 09/07 Casting All Your Care () Finding peace
- 09/04 The Foundation of the Earth () Young Earth Creationism
- 08/07 All the Fullness () Pursuing holiness
- 07/27 Give an Answer () Apologetic motives
- 07/14 In the Beginning () Cell membranes
- 07/14 Love His Appearing () Delight in Christ’s return
- 06/29 Ye Are Gods () Justifying theophany
- 06/09 Being the Brightness () Christ in glory
- 06/02 My Father Worketh () Primal Cause
- 06/02 That Perfect Will () Being before doing
- 05/27 Keep My Sabbaths () Sabbatarian considerations
- 05/25 Eat No Fat () Dietary instruction
- 05/18 I Was Thirsty () Divine experience
- 04/27 Let Us Reason () White space in Scripture
- 04/27 The Acknowledging () Sharing Christ with Christ
- 04/13 Guilty Before God () Facts and feelings
- 04/12 The Israel of God () God’s elect
- 03/30 Christ Our Life () Stability in turmoil
- 03/25 One of These Least () Classifying Torah
- 03/16 Make a Battlement () Useless fencing
- 02/24 They Are Remitted () Keys to the Kingdom
- 02/11 Whom Have I in Heaven? () Desiring God
- 01/27 All Such Rejoicing () Mapping sin to Torah
- 01/22 Even As He Is Pure () Dynamics of sanctification
- 01/15 Let the Dead () Deferring on the temporal
- 01/14 Fit for the Kingdom () Perilous indecisiveness
- 01/06 My Father’s Business () God’s ideal vs reality