The Acknowledging

Sharing our spiritual insights with other believers is central to our calling in the church of God; it’s the primary way we edify one another. This is the communication of our faith (Phm 6), how we impart our experience in God to others who are pursuing Him. (2Ti 2:2)

As we explore our own hearts and souls for faith gems to impart to others, we’re searching out and acknowledging every good thing which is within us in Christ, identifying and cultivating the Christ-life within. (Phm 6) But notice how God puts it: “that the communication of thy (s.) faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you (pl.) in Christ Jesus.” We each share our individual faith walk in Christ with others effectively by becoming aware of and appreciating the Person of Christ, not only within ourselves, but also within those with whom we’re sharing.

In other words, as we testify of the faithfulness and character of God as we experience Him in our lives, we’re identifying the works of Christ within us as He works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure. (Php 2:13) At the same time, the Christ within us is reaching out to the Christ within others, calling forth the divine nature within each one to edify, exhort, encourage, refresh, strengthen and nourish the souls of the saints. (Phm 7)

This perspective gives us both a sobering realization that in our testimony we are expressing the eternal Christ Himself to others (1Pe 4:11), and also a confident expectation and hope that our brothers and sisters will be quickened and blessed in our sharing.

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3 thoughts on “The Acknowledging”

  1. Tim,

    I’ve for years appreciated Philemon vs 6. That the communication of thy faith become effectual BY the acknowledging of every GOOD thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. I remember having an intense dislike for someone [that was wrong for me to have :] — but my “feelings” did not allow me to “honestly” forgive and love. I started acknowledging truth: that forgiveness and love WAS in ME in Christ Jesus. About six months later the seed and water germinated into an outflow of love and forgiveness, and it never backed off.

    The Truth of Christ in me — was greater that the truth of my then current feelings. It did take awhile of watering that truth — when it germinated, it was like, this was who I had always been.

    May BECOME effectual ….


    1. Thanks Stephen. I agree, this is another good nugget from this verse.

      I was thinking of you the other day. Hope you are well.

    2. Glad you have seen it too! This seems to be a powerful principle of the spiritual life.

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