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- 12/30 Neither Mar the Corners () Godly appearances
- 12/26 The Vanity () Wasting life
- 12/25 Give None Offence () On Christian holidays
- 12/17 Thy Name In Vain () False association
- 12/16 No Man That Warreth () The soldier mindset
- 12/09 Anathema Maranatha () Cursed at Christ’s coming
- 11/26 Thou Shalt Not Kill () Kill vs Murder
- 11/25 Incline My Heart () Our response to Torah
- 11/04 The Word of God Came () Evidence of inspiration
- 10/19 It Is Written () Sword fighting
- 10/19 Endure Hardness () Taking up our cross
- 10/11 He May Devour () How Satan consumes us
- 10/07 The Travail of His Soul () The ultimate litmus test
- 09/25 The Father Seeketh () Torah-based worship
- 09/11 A Sound Mind () On Cognitive Bias
- 08/24 Let No Man Deceive You () King David’s sin
- 08/08 Faith Alone () Sola Fide
- 07/30 A Spirit of Meekness () Minimal necessary force
- 07/27 Mark Them () Purging offenders
- 07/02 In Himself Alone () Rethinking Total Depravity
- 05/27 Pay for the Loss () Personal injury ethics
- 05/14 I Create Evil () God and Evil
- 04/22 Let This Mind Be in You () Thinking humbly
- 04/11 The Covenants of Promise () Heavenly hope
- 04/07 Stone Him () Deterring rebellion
- 03/18 A Soft Answer () Wisdom in conflict
- 03/12 Bring Them Up () Preparing for adulthood
- 03/05 Yea, Hath God Said () Lessons from the Fall
- 03/04 Signs and Wonders () Desiring the miraculous
- 02/04 His Elect () Implications of the remnant
- 01/28 As a Sparrow Alone () Heavenly perspective
- 01/22 By the Scriptures () Sola scriptura nuance
- 01/21 Evening and Morning () Defining the day
- 01/16 Every Day Alike () Esteeming days
- 01/09 Founded Upon a Rock () Law and Grace
- 01/05 He Doth Not Resist You () When to defend
- 01/02 Circumcision Is Nothing () Legalism vs the gospel
- 01/02 The Lord’s Day () Is it Sunday?
- 01/01 If We Sin Willfully () Consequences of defiance