Are we spiritually blind? (Jn 9:40) We’re all born this way (Ep 4:18), so how do we know? Presuming we can see when we can’t, like the old Pharisees (Jn 9:41), is unwise and dishonest: it’s what Christ came to judge. (Jn 9:39)
Thinking this is mere theological ignorance is itself blind, theologically ignorant. God says spiritual blindness lies in a lack of virtue, knowledge, self-control, endurance, godliness, kindness and love. (2Pe 1:5-9) If we don’t live rightly we don’t believe rightly, and if we don’t believe rightly we’re spiritually blind. Unless God intervenes and quickens us, we’ll remain so; it’s where most everyone lives (Ep 2:1), and without concern. (Re 3:17)
Seeing means being able to take God at His Word, perceive its implications in our lives, and do what He says. It isn’t a switch, but an ongoing transformation, a journey, a Way. Even the best of us can only see dimly for now. (1Co 13:12)
Being poor in spirit means being honest with God in our spiritual deficiency, no hidden agendas, not content in pride, in posturing, no wishing God would or wouldn’t say this or that, and this itself is a mark of election. Only the chosen can ultimately admit their need and pray, “Open my eyes!” (Ps 119:18) as a manner of life, a prayer God continually seems delighted to answer.