YHWH has given us exceedingly great and precious promises so that we might partake of and participate in His divine nature. (2Pe 1:4) What are His promises, and how does receiving them enable us to cleanse ourselves, following after Him, perfecting holiness in the fear of God? (2Co 7:1)

God promises that if we’ll separate ourselves from all uncleanness unto Him that He’ll receive us as His children. (2Co 6:17-18) Knowing He’ll never leave us nor forsake us enables us to be content, freeing us of covetousness. (He 13:5) Knowing God is just, that He’ll judge all according to truth, heals resentment and bitterness. (Ro 2:2) Knowing we’re God’s workmanship (Ep 2:10), that He will complete what He’s begun in us (Php 1:6), gives us confidence and hope. Knowing He’s given us power, love and a sound mind gives us courage and boldness to walk shamelessly in our gifts and calling. (2Ti 1:6-8)
God is able to make all grace abound toward us, to always give us the strength to abound in serving Him and glorifying Him in every circumstance of life (2Co 9:8); He is able to keep us from falling, and to and present us faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. (Jude 24) God is able to sanctify us entirely, spirit, soul and body, and to preserve us blameless unto the coming of His Son. (1Th 5:23) God is able to do this, and He will, because He is faithful to His calling in us. (vs 24)
These are but a sampling of His awesome promises! Each one we internalize strengthens us in the nature of God, enabling us to walk more freely of sin, filled with more light and joy, in closer fellowship with Him. (1Jn 1:3) Look for more, contemplating them, feasting on the divine nature. O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him! (Ps 34:8) As we behold Him we become more like Him. (2Co 3:18)
Rejoicing in and counting on God’s promises honors Him by proclaiming God is faithful; it quickens us to live in strength and power according to His design in us. (Ps 119:93)
Q1. What could be better than inheriting hundreds of millions of dollars from a long-lost relative?
A1. A supremely wealthy person giving me everything I desire for the rest of my life.
Q2. What could be better than a supremely wealthy person giving me everything I desire for the rest of my life?
A2. A supremely wealthy person loving me enough, and knowing me well enough, to give me exactly what’s best for me — instead of what I desire — for the rest of my life.
Q3. What could be better than a supremely wealthy person giving me exactly what’s best for me for the rest of my life?
A3. The divine Person making me good, strong and godly in mind and spirit, so that even when He doesn’t meet my needs the way I expect, and even if He allows me to endure persecution and suffering for His sake, He works in me to so glorify Himself that all my suffering turns out for a glorious good, and He presents me faultless before Himself and the universe with exceeding joy.
Q4. What could be better than the divine Person making me good, and causing all my suffering to work for my good and for His glory, such that He finally presents me faultless before Himself and the universe with exceeding joy?
A4. Nothing can be better than this, by definition. And this is the promise of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
So, until my daily joy dwarfs that carnal, fleeting joy I’d expect if I inherited vast wealth, I press toward the high calling of God in Jesus Christ. I will pursue until my joy consistently reflects His promises, and my life flawlessly attests to His glory.