Despising the Shame

Shame is guilt coupled with a sense of legitimate contempt and rejection; it’s feeling despised and rejected (Is 53:3) due to inexcusable moral failure. Shame claims to be separating us from respect, love and acceptance, making us feel exposed, vulnerable and defenseless. It’s extremely powerful, crushing soul and spirit; many prefer death to enduring their shame. Perhaps it’s why hateful rampages often end in suicide.

Those who accused and mocked Yeshua on the cross understood this force, trying to heap shame upon His agony (Ps 22:7-8), but He endured by despising the shame(He 12:2) He looked beyond the lies and found safety in the eternal faithfulness and justice of His Father.

When we’re walking in the light we enjoy fellowship with God (1Jn 1:7), knowing we’re accepted in the beloved (Ep 1:6) and rejoicing in Him, so there’s no need to feel ashamed when we’re judged by men (Ps 119:80); by faith we can receive accusation as a growth opportunity.

But for those who aren’t walking with God, shame and everlasting contempt is their destiny (Da 12:2), an eternal, constant reality, a second death from which there will be no end, no escape.

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2 thoughts on “Despising the Shame”

  1. Hello,

    I think it is a good article.

    However the first part is almost confusing. Shame is … feeling despised. So we kind of have a recursive definition of the verse. He despised feeling despised. Which of course could be true. 🙂

    The Greek word being translated as despised is kataphroneo kat-af-ron-eh’-o (Strong’s Greek 2706
    from 2596 and 5426; to think against, i.e. disesteem:–despise.)

    As I thought about that definition it seemed to me that disregard was a better understanding. So I looked at multiple translations which I do frequently. As a person who is working on a translation, I frequently survey multiple translations and look at the Hebrew and Greek.

    When I looked at the verse in multiple translations, over a dozen used disregard instead of despise.

    Here is how I have put it into my translation currently: “looking unto Yeshua the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2)

    To me, it seems to mean that what those who sought his crucifixion and death, what they intended to be as shameful to him, he completely disregarded and gave it no place or no thought. What they attempted to impose, he did not accept or receive.

    Likewise, what others attempt to impose on us, we do not have to accept or receive. He had no guilt or shame of his own, he bore ours.

    It is our pride which gets us in trouble. When we are accused or challenged, what is our response. Something coming from pride or from humility. From a place of humility we can assess if there is any truth in what is said. If so, make the proper adjustments. But we can make the adjustments without feeling shame. Shame is an emotion. It is common and easy to happen. When we find ourselves feeling shame, we need to learn why and address what needs addressed and stop feeling shame. If we have done nothing wrong, then we possibly simply let it go. In this situation is there an opportunity to reach this other person and show them God’s love? Can our response to them help them find an opportunity for them to change?

    We always need to remember who is our accuser. And that we wrestle not with flesh and blood. We also need to remember that God uses people to help us to grow and mature in him. It is not always fun, but should always be profitable.

    Some thoughts. Use as you seem best.

    God bless you my friend.


    1. Very good thoughts here. I actually recall thinking similarly as I pondered Yeshua’s response, that despising a feeling might include disregarding it, assigning it no value or worth, to ignore it.

      However, it seems to me that His reaction might have been stronger, actually hating, or despising, the attempts of the wicked to try to bring shame to Him, accusing and mocking Him. He may have felt contempt for their deceived sense of power and self-righteousness. I don’t think we’d say He ever did feel any shame: when He cried, “My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?”, it seems to me that He was feeling no shame at all.

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