Wonderfully Made

At the core of every living cell is an extremely complex, self-replicating machine; billions of perfectly interconnected parts forming a network of living computer programs which read each other bidirectionally: forwards to do one thing, and the same exact piece of code read in reverse to accomplish something entirely different. Genius computer geeks can’t even begin to touch this kind of complexity.

Electron Microscope image of DNA

Each plant and animal species has its own version of this peculiar machine. Three amazingly complicated, interdependent macromolecules comprise it; any two can combine to construct the third, and it’s the only way any of the three is ever made.

Scientists call the three parts DNA, RNA and protein; the building blocks of life, a trinity both encoding and replicating the unique genetic code of each species, constantly configuring themselves in various ways to build the complex network of tissues and organs within every life form. We don’t know what makes them tick or how they could possibly have evolved.

What we do know is that the entire biological system breaks down if we remove any one of the three components of these incredible machines, each one being perfectly designed to work only with the other two. We call this irreducible complexity, and it’s evidence of Intelligent Design in Creation.

Though some dismiss ID as pseudoscience, they must do so irrationally: not only do we remain at a loss to explain how this kind of machine could ever appear apart from Intelligent Design, it’s inconceivable that anything this complex could ever could do so by chance. When studying wrist watches, it’s not pseudoscience to claim a watchmaker exists; in fact, toying with any alternative is patently absurd. Only hopeless ideologues persist in such mindlessness.

“If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”  Charles Darwin

Darwin and his contemporaries had no idea of the complexity of a living cell, each like a city in itself, a vast network of thousands of intricate components working seamlessly together, or of the incredible design embedded in each and every molecule within each cell. If it is theoretically possible to demonstrate that evolution breaks down with a set of facts, then this has indeed been shown with the facts presented here.

The truth is, we’re fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139:14), created in the image of God, to fellowship with Him.

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One thought on “Wonderfully Made”

  1. Simplified Process of Protein Formation

    1. Start with DNA (not explained by the theory of chemical evolution)

    2. Take segment of DNA that has gene that codes for a particular protein.

    3. Create an mRNA molecule by taking a single strand of the DNA and decoding it with an RNA polymerase enzyme.

    3a. mRNA is a strand of nucleotides known as ribonucleic acid, and is single-stranded.

    4. Copy the DNA segment from step 2 into the mRNA molecule

    5. mRNA associates with a ribosome creates a polypeptide chain (protein) using the information coded in the mRNA
    5a. Ribosomes are composed of two subunits, a larger one and a smaller one, each made up of a combination of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins. So apparently the proteins in a ribosome are the structural components that make up the ribosome itself, while the proteins created by ribosomes are the functional molecules that carry out various cellular processes.

    5b. So apparently, it takes protein to make protein! Of course, the theory glosses over the little detail about how this would happen in a prebiotic environment…

    6. The ribosome moves along the mRNA, reading the codons and bringing in tRNA molecules carrying amino acids. The sequence of amino acids in a protein is determined by the sequence of codons in the mRNA, which, in turn, is dictated by the DNA sequence of the gene.

    7. The ribosome reads the mRNA codons, and each codon corresponds to a specific amino acid or a signal for the termination of protein synthesis. So, the ribosome acts as a molecular machine that reads the genetic information in mRNA and assembles amino acids into polypeptide chains, ultimately producing the diverse array of proteins needed for cellular structure and function.

    7. The newly synthesized protein folds, with the help of chaperone proteins, to achieve its three-dimensional, functional structure. Chaperone proteins may assist in the folding process.

    8. The addition of sugar groups or phosphate groups, may occur to modify the protein’s structure and function.

    9. The resulting protein is now ready to perform its specific functions within the cell or organism.

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