False Brothers

There are thousands of Christian denominations, replete with falsehood and error. This isn’t unreasonable, it’s inevitable: God isn’t easily found or understood, yet He holds each of us accountable to seek and find Him for ourselves. (Ac 17:27) We may neither delegate this responsibility, nor force our beliefs on others. In seeking God independently, we’re all at various stages of our journey, with unique levels of understanding. We all have some truth, and we all have some error.

Our goal in spiritual community, where we find all social classes and cultures, is simply stated: to edify one another, helping each other in our journey after God. (Ep 4:11-13) Being diverse in our ways, gifts, dispositions and wounds, we must defer to one another in matters of preference. (Ro 14:4-5) Yet our goal implies that in matters of truth we are to be seeking unity through thoughtful like-mindedness: [1] encouraging each other where we agree, [2] humbly and prayerfully challenging each other where we differ, and [3] seeking wisdom in each other as we’re searching and growing. (Ro 15:5)

Yet many walk among us who are not on this journey (Php 3:18-19), not seeking God, not seeking truth (2Th 2:10-12), false brothers who exploit the power of religion, enslaving themselves and others. (Ga 2:4) They company with us, enjoying the benefits of community, and appear so much like the rest of us (2Co 11:13-15) that we cannot always tell one from another with certainty; it’s not even our place … only God can do this perfectly.  (Mt 13:28-30)

Even so, in pursuing the goal of spiritual community, God calls us to mark out and avoid those who either [1] express willful contempt for God’s laws (Mt 18:15-17,  1Co 5:12-13) or [2] offend and divide through false doctrine. (Ro 16:17) This must be done kindly but firmly, with wisdom, not as individuals but as a body indwelt by God. (2Co 6:16)

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Prayer Abomination

I’ve often pondered the saying, “It never hurts to ask!” Sometimes I think it does hurt to ask; we shouldn’t lightly impose on others, taking their time and energy for granted. When we ask for something, we should ensure that our hearts are in the right place; selfish, inconsiderate requests are never good.

But how about God? How does He react when people pray, asking Him for things? Is He always delighted when people share their desires with Him?

As in human relationships, it depends on the heart; when the upright seek His help He’s delighted (Pr 15:8), but the prayers of those willfully ignoring His commands are disgusting to Him, an abomination. (Pr 28:9)

We should pray about everything (Php 4:6), ensuring as well as we can that our hearts are always right with God, seeking to walk in the light, in obedience and truth, not presuming we’re in a good place with God simply because we pray. If we’re justifying sin in our life, we’re wasting our time. (Ps 66:18)

God’s love moves Him to be angry with all who persist in willfully ignoring His commands (Ps 7:11), sinning against Himself and others. God’s children don’t do this as a manner of life; they’re elect unto obedience.

God is kind, and often answers the prayers of His enemies, but let’s not kid ourselves or deceive others: there’s no prayer, ritual or religious expression of any kind that covers the stench of rebellion. (De 25:16)

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Behold the Beauty

How do we describe beauty? What makes something beautiful or ugly? Atheists try and explain it by associating it with food or safety … I don’t think so. There’s something spiritual about beauty that defies philosophical naturalism. It’s designed into us for one reason: it’s our radar, enabling us to enjoy God.

The Psalmist desires one thing of God and pursues it: to walk in constant communion with Him, like we did in the Garden, beholding His beauty and seeking to know more and more about Him. (Ps 27:4) It’s why we’re here, what we’re made for; this must become our focus. (Php 3:10)

The beauty of the natural world is a reflection and expression of God, a shadow picture of His glory and majesty. It reminds us of the infinite beauty of God, both physical and spiritual. As our hearts drink in the natural beauty He’s made, our souls can be feeding in the majesty of the infinitude of God, worshiping Him in spirit and truth. (Jn 4:23) To enjoy the shadow and not the reality is to abuse the shadow; it’s to miss everything.

The wisdom in continually seeking a closer relationship with God is really just common sense. (Re 15:4) Just think about it: knowing there’s an infinitely powerful God who designed the entire universe … Who loves us enough to give up His Son to die in our place (Jn 3:16) … and not seeking Him out? Not wanting to know Him and walk with Him and enjoy Him? Can the Creator of beauty itself not be infinitely beautiful? If anything or anyone is worthy of being pursued and known … isn’t God?

Ask and receive; seek and find; knock and the door will open. (Mt 7:7) God wants to be found, to be enjoyed; everything about our design points to this. He’s everything we’ve ever needed or longed for, satisfying beyond comprehension. We can’t possibly imagine how beautiful, how majestic, how fantastic He is! (1Co 2:9)

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Cleaving to Dust

It’s dry, lifeless, our ultimate decomposition. (Ge 3:19) Who would cling to dust, grasping for it, hanging on to it? What does this mean? Why would anyone do it?

The Psalmist, aware that he’s cleaving to the dust, cries out to God for help, for life. (Ps 119:25) He evidently finds himself in distress, in an unpleasant way, admitting, or perhaps even desiring, a type of death.

Perhaps it’s a longing to escape cruelty, injustice and suffering (Job 3:20-22); perhaps it reflects a numbness, a disorientation, a lostness, an inability to relish God’s power, wisdom, beauty and life (Eph 2:1-3), a desire for this shallow, empty world, a fawning over its trinkets, illusions and titillations. (1Jn 2:15-16) Perhaps it’s nothing more than being distracted from the continual presence of God, failing to cleave to Jehovah.

As ugly as it is, whatever it is, he’s declaring his ways and state before us all exactly as he finds himself to be (Ps 119:26); in knowing God hears the honest, vulerable cry of humility there’s hope. As God enables his understanding he knows he’ll be renewed and restored to bubble over with wonder in the workings of God. (Ps 119:27)

When I find myself unable to delight in God, whether disrupted and overwhelmed by the insanity, cruelty and injustice of this world, or drawn to its emptiness and enticed by its vanity, or merely distracted from communion with God, I sense the stench of death, an old dark way from which I’m now free. I look to God to work in me (Php 2:13), waiting on Him to turn my eyes upward, to focus beyond this pale, temporal horizon, giving me His life to walk in His way(Ps 119:37)

There’s no life without longing, and no good longing for which God Himself is not the ultimate satisfaction. (Ps 16:11)

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The Way

God speaks often of His “way,” (Pr 10:29) contrasting it with other ways. (Ps 1:6). He speaks to our orientation, our leaning, our inclinations and motivation. Pursuing Him isn’t paint by the numbers; it’s not about following rules, rituals and traditions; He calls us to a path, a direction.

Kyoto, Japan

We ask Him to bring us to life in His way (Ps 119:37) and show us the way of His Laws (Ps 119:33), to open our eyes so we can see, to gaze on His beauty and wisdom. (Ps 119:18) We ask Him to take the way of lying out of us (Ps 119:29), to make us understand the way of His precepts (Ps 119:27), and to go in the path of His commandments (Ps 119:35) since we’ve chosen the way of truth. (Ps 119:30)

And mysteriously, the Way is more than just a path: this one is alive! (He 10:19-20) The Way of God is a Being, a divine Person (Jn 14:6) permeating, imbued within, and embodied throughout His Law. This Way dwells in us both to will and to do according to His good pleasure (Php 2:13), living out the way in us, giving us the life we need to obey Him from the heart. (Ps 119:32) Yeshua is who we follow, yet He is also how we follow. (1Co 1:30) As we behold Him, He is the very light that enables us to see Him, and the very Life that perceives His light. (Jn 1:4)

The choices we make over time form a pattern, a way. Ponder the path; motives become choices, tiles in a mosaic displaying our nature to the universe. Ask God Himself to live out His way in us. In aligning ourselves more and more with God’s Way, Torah, Yeshua, the more our lives reflect His light and life.

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That Which Decays

Basic physics tells us that closed systems tend to greater and greater disorder; they deteriorate and decay over time. So at its beginning our universe must have been highly ordered, which can only be by design.

A similar principle applies in spiritual things: God creates perfectly, then often allows Man to corrupt His work, causing ethical and moral decay.

For example, the earthly temple of Israel, a replica of the heavenly in its architecture, sacrifices and ceremonies (He 8:5), has decayed and vanished twice: the first time in 597 BCE and again in 70 CE. God’s people didn’t use the temple as He intended, to reveal Himself and His salvation to the world. (Mk 11:17) They corrupted His way so deeply and were such poor witnesses that God destroyed His temple and scattered His people to the four winds.

As in its first destruction, this last devastation of the Temple doesn’t mean it’s obsolete; it has merely vanished for a season. (He 8:13) The whole system will be restored one day, fully operational again. (Re 11:1) Its precepts and symbolism are still relevant.

God’s purposes are often mysterious; in being omnipotent, He generally reveals Himself through weakness; being beauty itself, He veils Himself in dullness (Is 53:2); He calls us to fullness of joy through suffering (2Co 4:17), even allowing Man to kill the eternal Prince of Life (Ac 3:15) to reveal through Man the power of His resurrection. (Php 3:10)

Just because God lets something die and decay doesn’t necessarily mean He’s through with it.

Open My Eyes

Sight: it’s amazing! Perceiving colors and shapes as our eyes translate light into our brains, presenting vision to our souls … it borders on miraculous. When sight’s lost we long for healing, but those born blind can’t know what they’re missing.

Spiral fern with dew

In a way, we’re all born spiritually blind (Ep 4:18), deceived (Tit 3:3), at enmity with God and His law. (Ro 8:7) We start out with a veil over hearts, obscuring the beauty of the spirit of the Law. Yet when we come into Messiah this vail is removed (2Co 3:14-16) and we cry out, “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.” (Ps 119:18

As God gives us sight we begin to see detail and precision and beauty in His commands (Ps 119:96) that we could not have seen before; things that looked dull and dry on the surface become glorious as we see them with new eyes; they testify of Him. As we hide His laws in our hearts, delighting in them and meditating on them (Ps 1:2), a whole new world opens up to us which we glossed over and missed in our blindness and shallowness.

To the blind, God’s commands are boring, inconvenient, confusing and repulsive. God must open our eyes (Lk 24:45) and enable us to see Him and His way in His laws. (Lk 24:27) He must equip us to translate the light of His Law (Ps 119:105) into a vision of His glory and majesty (Ro 11:33), to find the unsearchable riches of Christ. (Eph 3:8)

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Worship in Truth

We’re designed to worship God, to delight in Him, to enjoy Him, to praise Him. Unspeakable joy in God is our calling, our destiny, to be continually adoring and reveling in the divine nature. (1Pe 1:8)

Jesus says our worship must be in spirit and in truth(Jn 4:24) What we believe about God matters; it defines Who we worship. To the degree our thinking about God is off our worship will be in vain.

Not all worship is good; in fact, a lot of it’s worthless. (Mt 15:9) Feeling close to God when we’re singing and praying doesn’t help if we’re deceived about who He is. How dreadful to find that in all our feel good we were being seduced by a counterfeit spirit, worshiping a false Jesus! (2Co 11:4) Many who think they’re serving Him will end up here. (Mt 7:21-3)

But the godward heart says, “I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments.” (Ps 119:7) We can rightly worship God only to the extent that our hearts are aligned with His Law. As God’s Law, Torah, reveals Who He is and what He’s like, so our attitude towards Torah reveals who we are and what we’re like. (Ro 8:7)

We can’t separate love for God from loving (Ro 7:22) and obeying His law. (Jn 14:15, 24) We must pursue a right knowledge of God and His ways so that our worship will be in truth, rooted in obedience. Making it up as we go, thinking we know good and evil on our own, or letting others define it for us, is pointless.

God’s children worship Him in the spirit, from the heart, and rejoice in Christ Jesus (Php 3:3), … longing to know Him as He really is. (Php 3:10)

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Knowing Good and Evil

Through the Fall we’ve become like God: we “know good and evil.” (Ge 3:22a) Since God doesn’t do evil, this can’t simply mean we know what it’s like to do good and evil, and since God sees this as a bad thing (Ge 3:24) it can’t mean we’ve experienced good and evil in others. It must mean that we, as if we’re God, presume the right to define good and evil for ourselves, that we claim to know what good and evil are apart from Him, that we know better than He does.

We’re constantly making moral judgments based on how we feel, without consulting God, just making it up as we go. And we instinctively respond to the moral evaluations of other mortals as if they’re divine. This is so natural we seldom even notice we’re doing it; it’s born into our nature, as natural as breathing, and it’s why we’re so wicked. Most all the evil and suffering in our world is from us doing what’s right in our own eyes.

Moral definitions are God’s business and He’s revealed them in His Law. Breaking His Law is His definition of evil (1Jn 3:4); any other definition is profound arrogance and presumption — it’s essentially climbing up into God’s throne and pushing Him off. There really isn’t a more offensive thing we can possibly do to Him; it’s Satan’s way.

We should make it our top priority to study God’s Laws and ask Him to conform our hearts and minds to His standards and ways, hiding them in our heart so that we don’t sin against Him. (Ps 119:11)  Let’s worship in truth and walk in the light, unintimidated when others make up their own moral laws. When we find ourselves making instinctive moral judgments, or reacting to those of others, let’s get in the habit of checking with God and dismissing the rest.

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Through Weakness

Jehovah often chooses to accomplish His will through weak, foolish, broken vessels (1Co 1:27); He generally hides out here, in weakness, and goes largely unnoticed. Sometimes it frustrates me, but I’m starting to see wisdom and beauty in it.

Would I prefer a more obvious God, promptly punishing evil and rewarding good, constantly working miracles, leaving no doubt about His existence or nature? But this isn’t typically His way; He chooses subtlety, doing the amazing under cover of loss. (2Co 13:4)

If God never let His enemies feel like they were getting away with anything, would they ever act like enemies? What would we know about Him, others or ourselves?

Satan flaunts his power (2Th 2:9) because he’s weak by comparison; YHWH will destroy him by breathing on him … through His nose (Job 4:9); His very brightness destroys His foes. (2Th 2:8) In accomplishing His will from the shadows He seems all the more glorious to me.

God calls us to be strong (1Co 16:13); we shouldn’t deliberately choose weekness as a manner of life (Pr 24:5), but we should indeed rejoice when He ordains weakness for us (2Co 12:10), for here is where His strength is perfected (2Co 12:9), in those who’re weak in themselves, helpless, vulnerable through no fault of their own. (Ps 8:2)

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